Installation examples

Appendix-1: About gauge positioning in aircraft panels.
Appendix-2: About tailhooks, and how to add/modify them.
Appendix-3: About configuring launchspeed and catapult length.
Appendix-4: Additional, aircraft-dependant gauges.
Appendix-5: Modifications for Dino Cataneo's F14B Tomcat
Appendix-6: Modifications for Team FS KBT's F18E SuperHornet
Appendix-7: Modifications for Rick Sasala's E-2c Hawkeye

Appendix-1: About gauge positioning in aircraft panels.
The Main panel usually consists of a bitmap (a .bmp file) on which the gauges
are positioned through coordinates.
gauge**=rcb-miljet!Icon_Ball, HOR,VERT,12,12
where 'HOR' is the horizontal, and 'VERT' the vertical positon on the panel.
The bitmap is a file xxxxx.bmp in the same folder as panel.cfg, and is
referenced in the panel.cfg by something like:

[Window00] (or another Window)

The coordinates HOR,VERT are relative to this panel bitmap, and specify the
top-left corner of the gauge. Coordinates 0,0 corresponds with the top-left
position of the panel.

Most main panel bitmaps cover the entire screen, but some only cover the lower
part of the screen. Moreover, the coordinates (and gauge size) also depend on
the bitmap resolution.
So, in a 1024*768 pixel bitmap, coordinates 1024,768 specify the bottom-right
corner of the panel.
With this info, look at the coordinates of existing gauges in the [Window00]
section of the panel.cfg file. E.g. another Icon, and check whether their
coordinates corresponds with the postition you would expect on the panel.

To get the correct coordinates for the Meatball window Icon:
- Observe the main panel in FS2004, and find a free spot.
- Look for a gauge nearby (e.g. another Icon), find this gauge in the panel.cfg
file, and use nearby coordinates for the Ball_Icon.

- HOR,VERT specifies the top-left corner of the Icon.
- Increasing HOR will shift the Icon to the right.
- Increasing VERT will shift the Icon downwards.
- 12,12 (in my example) defines the size of the Icon in pixels, so using 24,24
makes it twice as large.
- Make sure the Icon does not overlap with an existing gauge.

The same applies to find proper coordinates for the Catapult and Arrester
gauge. The only difference is their size, which makes it a bit harder to find
a suitable, free spot on the panel that does NOT overlap another gauge.

Appendix-2: About tailhooks, and how to add/modify them.

First of all, you should understand that in FS2004 there is a distinction
between a "visible", animated tailhook (which is part of the aircraft's
.mdl model), and a "functional" tailhook as defined in the aircraft.cfg.

In some older jets the "visible" tailhook is coupled to the Spoilers or
Flaps function, instead of the real Tailhook function. And possibly even
coupled to a decelleration mechanisme based on high drag, known as
"Superspoilers" or "SuperFlaps".

However, the arrester gauge requires that the aircraft has a real "functional"
tailhook, which is defined in the aircraft.cfg like:

tailhook_length=3.0 // Length, in feet
tailhook_position=-20.0, 0.0, 0.0 // longitudinal, lateral, vertical position

If not, you must add this section at the end of the aircraft.cfg file.
Note again that this does NOT add, or influences, the "visible" tailhook !!

The values are of course aircraft dependant, but what matters is that the
tailhook should stick out below the wheels a few feet. This result can be
achieved by making the tailhook longer, or by moving it closer to the deck
by decreasing the vertical position (negative values move the tailhook down,
away from the centre of the aircraft.)
The Arrester gauge activates when the tailhook touches the deck.
However, if you are not comfortable (or too lazy :-) ) in fine-tuning these
values, just use the values already present in your aircraft.cfg file or (if
not present) use the values specified above. Because:
- If the tailhook is too short: the aircraft is still trapped, but now only
when the wheels touch the deck.
- If the tailhook is too long: the aircraft is trapped a bit too early.

But if you do want to check the tailhook for correct length:
- Position your aircraft on the deck, or any other runway.
- Lower the tailhook (either by clicking the switch or pressing the keystroke
assigned to the "Tailhook up/down" function)
- Check that the gauge light turns Orange.
- If it starts flashing Red after a few seconds, the tailhook is too short.
In that case: increase the value by one feet or so, reload the aircraft and
try again.
- Advanced users will want to compare the reach of the tailhook (as specified
by the tailhook length and vertical position) with the vertical position of
the landing gear.

I emphasize again: adding/adjusting the Tailhook section in the aircraft.cfg
might not be reflected in the behaviour of the visible, animated tailhook (if
any) that you can observe in Spotview mode.

If you have an aircraft in which the "visible" tailhook is coupled to Spoiler
or Flaps, you can off course still use that ON TOP OF lowering the functional
tailhook. Take care however, that this is not a "Superspoiler" since your
aircraft will then fall out of the sky :-). See also Appendix-4.
Remedy in that case:
In the aircraft.cfg file, look for the line:
Spoiler_limit = "a high value". Change this into a low value (e.g. 60)

Appendix-3: About configuring launchspeed and catapult length.
Both the default launchspeed (155 Knots groundspeed) and catapult length (300
feet) can be changed in the panel.cfg gauge definition, by changing the value
300155 in the line gauge**=dsd_arrester........,300155.

Make sure this number remains 6 digits: 3 digits length plus 3 digits speed.
Example: 250070 indicates a catapult length of 250 feet, and a launchspeed of
70 Knots. If no parameter is specified, the gauge will use the defaults of 155
knots and 300 feet.
Setting the launchspeed in fact emulates setting the steampressure of the
catapult. This is of course aircraft type/weight dependant.
You can further refine the launchspeed in the panel itself, depending on actual
winddirection/speed and fuel load.

Note again that the acceleration factor of the catapult is determined by both
the launchspeed AND the catapult length, which makes the gauge very versitile.
Although not particularly intended as such, try out value 010999 for a real
rocket launch :-)

Appendix-4: Additional, aircraft-dependant gauges.
This archive contains two additional (optional) control gauges:

1. Icon_Ball_F16KO.xml
Some aircraft already have a HUD, particularly Eric Marciano's F16.gau HUD.
This HUD is usually installed in the panel in 1 to 4 panel windows, where each
panel window contains another version of the gauge with a different light
intensity. Sometimes the panel also contains another, clickable gauge that lets
you select which version to use. In fact this switches between panel windows
with ident=20, 21, 22 and 23, by opening one window and closing the others.

Since the meatball HUB contains all the info you need when flying a carrier
approach, gauge Icon_Ball_F16KO.xml switches between the meatball HUD and this
normal HUD. What is actually does:
- Upon loading an aircraft, it opens the panel window with ident=21
- When you click the meatball icon, it closes all panel windows with ident=20
21, 22, and 23, and opens panel window with ident=10011 (the Meatball HUD)
- When you click the icon again, it closes the window with ident=10011 and
opens the window with ident=21.
Advantage: you can use the meatball HUD and normal HUD alternatively at the
same panel position, with only one mouseclick on the Icon gauge.

If you want this: use gauge Icon_Ball_F16KO.xml instead of Icon_Ball.xml.

2. SpoilersFollowTailhook.xml
As explained in Appendix-2, some (older) aircraft have a visible tailhook
in their model, but it's operation is NOT coupled to the FS "Tailhook Up/Down"
command but to the "Spoilers extend/retract" command (default key "/").
Which also operates the Spoilers a.k.a. Airbrakes.
Since the Arrester gauge is armed by the key you defined for FS function
"Tailhook Up/Down" (or the gauge switch), this means that you ALSO have to give
the "Spoilers extend/retract" command to lower the visible tailhook of the
aircraft in order to see (in SpotPlane View) that the tailhook is lowered .

This SpoilersFollowTailhook.xml gauge does that for you !!.
If you install this gauge in your panel, it will:
- Extend the Spoilers/Airbrakes and lower the visible tailhook when you lower
the Tailhook.
- Retract the Spoilers/Airbrakes and raise the visible tailhook when you (or
the Arrester gauge after a successfull trap) raise the Tailhook.
An obvious side effect of the gauge is, that you no longer can use the "/" key
to extend the Spoilers/Airbrakes, since the gauge forces them to follow the
Tailhook position all the time. So use the "Tailhook Up/Down" command instead.

If you want to use this gauge, add to the panel.cfg:

Appendix-5: Modifications for Dino Cataneo's F14B Tomcat
File, a.o. on SurClaro and

** Panel.cfg ***

- Under [Window Titles], add:

- Under [Window00], add:
gauge36=rcb-miljet!Icon_Ball, 314,401,12,12
gauge37=dsd_catapult!catapult, 230,300,69,40,300160
gauge38=dsd_arrester!arrester, 530,300,47,40
gauge39=rcb-miljet!SonicBoomControl, 0,0
gauge42=COP_Config!config, 0,0,,, ./gauges/rcb-miljet/COP_Config.ini
gauge43=COP_Sound!dsd_xml_sound3, 0,0,,, ./gauges/rcb-miljet/COP_Sound.ini

- Add the new Meatball Window:
window_size= 0.23,0.31
window_pos = 0.395,0.14
gauge01=dsd_carrier_zones!zone_selection, 10,0,200,14

*** Aircraft.cfg ***

Since all lightswitches (0-18) are used, you have to free up one. Eg. VClight.

- Under [LIGHTS], add a // to line:
//light.6=4, 20.00, 0.00, 6.0, fx_vclight
and add line:
light.6= 10, -10.0, 0.0, 0.0, fx_RCB_machenvlop,1 // SonicBoom effect

Appendix-6: Modifications for Team FS KBT's F18E SuperHornet
Files f18e*, on SurClaro and

Note: uses the Icon_Ball_FA18E.xml gauge, which toggles between id 10011 and
10021 (i.e. between the Meatball HUD and the original HUD).

** Panel.cfg ***

- Under [Window00], add a // to lines:

//gauge07=rcb-miljet!SonicBoomControl, 0,0,20,20
//gauge08=dsd_xml_sound!dsd_xml_sound, 0,0,10
//gauge09=dsd_catapult!catapult, 532,433,60,30,300155
//gauge10=rcb-miljet!Icon_Ball, 649,388,12,12

and add:

gauge07=rcb-miljet!Icon_Ball_FA18E, 649,388,16,16
gauge08=dsd_catapult!catapult, 532,433,60,35,300155
gauge09=dsd_arrester!arrester, 533,395,42,36
gauge10=rcb-miljet!SonicBoomControl, 0,0
gauge13=COP_Config!config, 0,0,,, ./gauges/rcb-miljet/COP_Config.ini
gauge14=COP_Sound!dsd_xml_sound3, 0,0,,, ./gauges/rcb-miljet/COP_Sound.ini

- Under [Window03], add a // to lines:


and add:


- Replace the whole [Window04] section by:

window_size= 0.22, 0.30
window_pos = 0.40, 0.19
gauge01=dsd_carrier_zones!zone_selection, 10,0,200,14

*** Aircraft.cfg ***

- Under [Tailhook], change:
tailhook_length=7.0 //Original value: 4

Appendix-7: Modifications for Rick Sasala's E-2c Hawkeye
File, a.o. on SurClaro and

Note: Not Supersonic, so no SonicBoom sound :-)

** Panel.cfg ***

- Under [Window Titles], add:

- Under [Window00], add:
gauge53=rcb-miljet!Icon_Ball, 93,328,19,18 // The Icon that opens HUD.
gauge54=dsd_catapult!catapult,296,165,53,30,300100 // The catapult gauge
gauge55=dsd_arrester!arrester,236,187,35,30 // The arrester gauge
gauge58=COP_Config!config, 0,0,,, ./gauges/rcb-miljet/COP_Config.ini
gauge59=COP_Sound!dsd_xml_sound3, 0,0,,, ./gauges/rcb-miljet/COP_Sound.ini

- Add the new Meatball Window:
window_size= 0.23,0.31 // Size: 23% screen width, 31% screen height
window_pos= 0.39,0.02 // Top-Left corner at: 39% horizontal, 2% vertical
gauge01=dsd_carrier_zones!zone_selection, 10,0,200,14

*** Aircraft.cfg ***

- Under [Tailhook], change:
tailhook_length=5.5 //Original value: 4

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